Humanistic Management & Well being at Work
“How can the actions of the learning team help create value for the company?”
A group of corporate university directors and training leaders reviewed this question at the Scientific Committee’s second meeting.
Corporate universities creators of value
For company directors, preparing the budget and action plans for the year head is still an essential task. How much time is taken up developing strategic plans? How many versions are tweaked and changed as the company and its ecosystem evolve? How many of us have stuck to the sacrosanct business plan in a constantly changing world?At a time when having a strategy in place is not enough to ensure your business will survive, the notions of agility, transformation and added value are prevalent at every level of the company.
In today’s world, you need more than just having a strategy that clearly defines the way a company creates value. The issue, like its environment, is complex. When facing these constant changes, companies need to be continually assessing how each member can add value.
It is a subject that holds particular meaning for learning leaders dealing with changes to their market, major legislative reforms and new learning behaviours. Nevertheless, their key concern is still: “How can the actions of the learning team help create value for the company?”
A group of corporate university directors and training leaders reviewed this question at the Scientific Committee’s second meeting.
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